Along with marking the beginning of a new summer, each June also brings the celebration of annual pride month. Pride Palace breaks down a complete history of pride month, detailing the heroic queer activism show during the Stonewall Uprising. The next year, activists gathered together again to march in remembrance of what took place on June 28, 1969 and take a stand against it ever happening again. However, supporting and celebrating pride is not only limited to one month a year. We have compiled a few fun and festive ways to have a pride themed ball all year round. 

Show Us Your Pride!

Pride yourself on your interior decorating by checking out Pride Palace’s collection of flags, pins, and putting some support out on display. Pride is nuanced and deep, symbolizing freedom, hope, equality, love, protest, activism, and self-acceptance. Another way to artistically toast and celebrate your pride is by supporting the work of LGBTQ+ artists whose work you admire. Go on Etsy and check out some queer artists. It is always a good time to treat yourself to something a little special. You deserve it! After all, it is in honor of pride! 

Open Up Those Purse Strings

There are so many LGBTQ+ organizations that need our help and support no matter the time of year. Donating money is one of the most powerful ways to give back to the queer community. In terms of activism, you are literally putting your money where your mouth is. Take the time to read up on the organization and research how your donation will be used to help. For example, the incredible organization called The Okra Project uses funds donated to pay Black Chefs to go to their Black trans siblings homes and personally cook them a nutritious and delicious meal. 

Quick, Clear The Calendar! It’s Time To Volunteer!

Another amazing way to get out and celebrate pride is to volunteer your time. Small local LGBTQ+ nonprofit organizations need volunteer help year round. Check out what is around your area and see how you can be of service. Grab a few friends and make a special day of it. You will all feel all the better for it. 

It is also important to spend time researching current events impacting the LGBTQ+ community, especially ones that can impact our rights and futures. Utilize a legislation tracker to keep up with all of the 2021 legislation that is currently on the table for dozens of states to consider implementing. This comprehensive tracker includes nondiscrimination bills, bills blocking local control, trans rights, and religious exemption bills. Stay proud and informed.  

Wait, Did Someone Say, “Book Club”? 

Being conscious of reading more LGBTQ+ authors and stories will broaden your horizons to new heights. As we begin to slowly re-emerge back into the new normal of the outside world, consider asking a few close pals if they would be into starting a monthly book club dedicated to queer stories. Reading is a great way to learn important stories that shape our world today on an intimate level. Wow, No Thank You by Samantha Irby will have everyone falling out of their seats laughing at her personal essays. A poignant choice would be Stonewall by famed historian Martin Duberman. This book weaves together multiple narratives to recreate the historic nights of the Stonewall Riots in epic detail. 

Movie Night And It’s Feeling Right

Pop some popcorn, grab some candy, dim the lights, and enjoy some films that are essential gay canon. Give reverent ode to ballroom culture with a late night viewing of Paris Is Burning. Invite some baby queers over to indulge in the cult classic But I’m A Cheerleader. Spend some time learning about the important impact of trans representation in media through a viewing of the Netflix documentary Disclosure. With every subsequent rewatch of queer filmography, you will start noticing special details that resonate with you at different moments as you continue on your pride journey. 

Blast Some Your Favorite Bops And Have A Pride Dance Party

Turn up the volume on your favorite LGBTQ+ musical artists, close your eyes, and dance like you are at your favorite concert post-pandemic. Take some headphones and go on a walk outside. Tilt your face to the sunshine and feel the pure unadulterated joy that is listening to SOPHIE. Take a luxurious bubble bath and while blasting Prince like Julia Roberts famously did in the Beverly Wilshire Hotel penthouse suite in the movie Pretty Woman. Spend some thoughtful time putting together your own Pride Playlist and share it with your friends. 

Set Aside Some Special Time To Wine And Dine

Next time you order restaurant takeout or delivery, consider ordering a meal from an LGBTQ+ owned restaurant. As we begin to slowly dine out again, where you dine will add important value to your community landscape. If it is a happy hour that is on the horizon, celebrate the end of another work week by going to an LGBTQ+ owned bar. By supporting your local independent businesses, you are actively participating in helping these special places stick around. Who knows, maybe you are on your way to becoming a beloved regular. 

Indulge In A Special Spa Day

Celebrating pride also means celebrating you! It is so important to take time for yourself to rest and rejuvenate. Light a scented calming candle, put on a face and hair mask, and give yourself a much deserved manicure. Maybe even treat yourself to a soothing massage. Inventing some special time and care into yourself is always worth it.

We’re All Born Naked And The Rest Is Drag 

Celebrate the art of drag by rallying some friends together to go out and attend a local drag show. Supporting local drag queens in your area is so important for their artistic growth. It is the perfect way to widen your drag appreciation from more than just what is on social media and television! If there are not any drag queen performances coming up in your area, do not fret! There has been a huge surge of virtual drag performances in the past year, which lets you tune in for a live drag show right from the comfort of your couch at home. 

You’ve Got Mail

Everyone loves receiving fun mail from a friend. It is a bright, pleasant surprise amidst the usual daily collection of bills and random catalogs. Purchase some postcards that are designed by queer artists or that represent queer art you completely vibe with. Send a little note of positivity to some queer friends. It will add a little bit of love and attention to someone’s day, which is the best way to celebrate pride! 

Manifest Your Future Prides With A CreativeVision Board

Make beautiful art out of some old magazines by creating a vision board for your future prides. Imagine your dream life. What does your day look like? What about your ultimate fantasy bedroom decor? Do you have a dog? Let yourself dream big and full of hope. Collage a poster board with your friends and add to it year to year. See which dreams evolve over time and which stay steadfast. Who knows, maybe positive visualization was the very first step on the journey to some of these dreams coming true. 

Host A Fun Game Night!

Invite some friends over for a pride-themed game night. Team up for a queer trivia night and test everyone’s pop culture and history knowledge. Another popular idea is a PowerPoint Party. Each person comes prepared with a PowerPoint Presentation about a LGBTQ+ topic they would like to teach the rest of the group about. Use this opportunity to convince your friends why Twilight is a cult classic queer film or why Hunter Schaefer deserves to be the highest paid supermodel in the world. This is your opportunity to totally geek out and teach your friends about something you totally connect with. 

A Few Final Thoughts 

You can celebrate pride every day with actions both big and small. Even just adding a rainbow pin to your outfit for the day will add a little pep of self-love to your step. Although June will always be the official pride month, every single day offers a unique opportunity to showcase and celebrate a little bit of pride. 


Pride Month Is Over. Here’s How To Keep That Same Energy All Year | Mic

40 Non-Boring Ideas For Celebrating Pride Without Leaving Your House | Vice

Legislative Tracker | Freedom For All Americans




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